Table 4: ANOVA Analysis for Response Y2 [Hemicellulose recovery in the liquid fraction (%)].

Source Sum of Squares Degree of Freedom Mean Squares F-values p-value
Prob > F
Model 326.75 9 36.31 6.45 0.0037
A 27.84 1 27.84 4.95 0.0503
B 16.96 1 16.96 3.01 0.1132
C 15.20 1 15.20 2.70 0.1313
AB 1.04 1 1.04 0.18 0.6768
AC 44.91 1 44.91 7.98 0.0180
BC 15.42 1 15.42 2.74 0.1288
A2 1.28 1 1.28 0.23 0.6438
B2 0.045 1 0.045 7.919E-003 0.9308
C2 7.18 1 7.18 1.28 0.2851
Residual 56.27 10 5.63 - -
Lack of Fit 22.48 4 5.62 1.00 0.4761
Pure error 33.79 6 5.63 - -
Total 383.02 19 - - -