Table 4: Experimental results carried out by [26] vs. FEM predictions.

Specimen Moment resistance Elastic Stiffeness Faliure mode
[-] Tests FEM Tests FEM [-]
[kNm] [kNm] [kNm/rad] [kNm/rad]
EPC-1 343.7 340.3 52276 52276 Bolts fracture
EPC-2 322.1 318.7 46094 46097 Bolts fracture
EPC-3 390.3 387.5 46066 46070 Buckling of beam flange and web in compression
EPC-4 410.8 409.3 47469 47460 Buckling of beam flange and web in compression
EPC-5 355.4 355.2 41634 41631 Bolt fracture Buckling of end-plate rib stiffener