Table 9: Effect of ρw on ultimate load of beams under repeated loading.

Beam Designation Type of
ρw Ultimate Load (Pu)
% Increase Ultimate Load *
B-HS-R-Hy1-ρw 0 Hybrid 1 0.0 440 -
B-HS-R-Hy1-ρw 4 Hybrid 1 0.004 555 26.14
B-HS-R-Hy1-ρw 6 Hybrid 1 0.006 700 **59.09

*The percentage of increase is measured with respect to beam B-HS-R-Hy1%-ρw =0. ** the increased percentages of load of the beam B-HS-R-Hy1-ρw 6 is 26.13% with respect B-HS-R-Hy1-ρw 4.