Table 3: Physical and mechanical structures of elements.

Structures Cement Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate BLA BA
Specific gravity (bulk) based on SSD 2.56 2.52
Specific gravity (bulk) 3.12 2.48 2.43 2.79 2.10
Apparent specific gravity 2.80 2.68
Fineness modulus 2.55
Silt content (%) 4.67
Water absorption (%) 3.27 3.95
Loose bulk density (kg/m3) 1398 1417.5 1456 365 359
Rodded bulk density (kg/m3) 1435 1495 1577 479 471
Voids in loose aggregate (%) 45.75 39.33
Voids in rodded aggregate (%) 39.52 34.31
Maximum particle size (mm) 0.09 20 5 0.15 0.15