Table 1: Properties of the friction damper, the slit damper and the hybrid damper from experiments and analytical models [25].

Theoretical Value Experimental Results
y friction, Py friction) (0mm,37.5 kN) (0.8mm, 37.8 kN)
y slit, Py slit) (1.6 mm, 48.75 KN) (3.0mm, 46.7KN)
max, Pmax) (65.0 mm, 124.8 KN) (63.38 mm, 120.0 KN)
KSE, Elastic stiffness of slit dampers 30.66 KN/mm 15.57 kN/mm
KSp, Post-yield stiffness of slit dampers 0.61 kN/mm 0.60 KN/mm