Table 10: Rotated component matrixa for critical duration estimation accuracy factors.

Critical factors Principal components
1 2 3 4 5
Bridge type and complexity 0.916
Number of bridges in the project scope 0.872
Weather condition 0.761
Contractor's experience 0.721
ROW acquisition costs 0.713
Project complexity 0.805
Project type 0.793
Project size 0.623
Soil type at the construction site 0.737
Site topography/terrain type 0.711
Total project cost -0.439
Project area location 0.812
Eigenvalues 3.167 2.047 1.161 1.030 1.014
Variance (%) 16.673 15.804 15.308 12.532 9.840
Cumulative variance (%) 16.673 32.477 47.785 60.317 70.157
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.