Table 2: Lifestyle and Family History

United States Syria India P value
Current Smoker 6 (6.2%) 34 (43%)1 2 (1.7%) <0.001
Former Smoker 8 (8.2%) not reported 2 (1.7%) <0.024
Vigorous Exercise 77 (79.4%) 50 (62.5%) 29 (24.4%)2 <0.001
Moderate Exercise 88 (90.7%) 55 (68.8%) 24 (20.2%)2 <0.001
Strengthening Exercise 67 (69.1%) 42 (52.5%) 8 (6.7%)2 <0.001
Alcohol Use 9 (9.0%)3 0 (0%) 4 (3.4%) <0.001
Family History of CVD 7 (7.2%) 54 (67.5%)1 23 (19.3%)4 <0.001

CVD = cardiovascular disease
1 = p < 0.001 compared to United States and India
2 = p < 0.03 compared to United States and Syria
3 = p = 0.005 compared to Syria
4 = p = 0.01 compared to United States.