Table 2: Direct (Г – Г) and Indirect (Г– X) Band Gaps of BeSe and ZnSe and Their Alloy at Equilibrium Volume


Γ – Γ(Γ –X)

x Present Exp Others

0 1.2( 3.5) 2.82a (4.3c) 2.76b 2.5d
0.25 1.38
0.5 0.27(0.24)
0.75 0.29(0.283)
1 3.65(3.2) 2.9e


0 2.16(4.55) 2.71e 2.11(GGA)f
0.25 1.186(0.52)
0.5 0.3
0.75 0.285(0.288)
1 4.5(3.8) 3.4e


0 1.041 (2.2) 2.38g 2.19(2.25)g
0.25 1.33 2.42h 2.37i
0.5 0.14 2.55j 2.49k
0.75 0.28 2.74l -
1 2.14 3.2l 2.7m

a Ref [33]
b Ref [34]
c Ref [35]
d Ref [36]
e Ref [17]
f Ref [37]
g Ref [38]
h Ref [39]
i Ref [40]
j Ref [41]
k Ref [42]
l Ref [43]
m Ref [44]
n Ref [45]