Fig. (2) (A) Course of treatment of Case 2. The ordinate in the left indicates the dose of 5-ALA and camostat, and that on the right indicates the concentration of CRP. The abscissa indicates the date. The initial dose of 5-ALA was 750 mg/day. Thereafter it was increased according to the clinical symptoms. Camostat was combined with 5-ALA in only two days (April 10 & 11). CRP steeply decreased after April 12 and the dose of 5-ALA was decreased after April 15. (B) Chest CT scan of Case 2 taken on April 7. Ground-glass opacities extended to the subpleural area of the left lobe are observed in this slice. (C) Chest CT scan taken on May 7. Pulmonary lesions were almost completely improved.