Fig. (6) (A) Course of treatment of Case 6. The ordinate in the left indicates the dose of 5-ALA and camostat and that on the right indicates the concentration of CRP. The abscissa indicates the date. Camostat was administered for the initial three days at the dose of 600 mg/day (200 mg, t.i.d.). The dose of 5-ALA was 1,500 mg/day (500 mg, t.i.d.) from June 30 to July 5 and then reduced to 750 mg/day (250 mg, t.i.d.) on July 6 because of the improvement of symptoms. CRP significantly decreased on July 7. (B) Chest CT scan of Case 6 taken on June 30. Multiple nodular shadows with ground-glass opacity lesions. (C) Chest CT scan taken on July 14. Pulmonary lesions were completely improved.