Table 2: Pretreatment and Post Treatment Difference in Count and Motility in Study and Control Group

Groups Pre Treatment Mean ± SD Post Treatment Mean ± SD Significance p

Group I
Count (mill/ml) 16.30 ± 12.25 52.54 ± 25.52 0.000
Total motility (%) 33.34 ± 16.44 56.87 ± 13.19 0.000
FF motility (%) 16.04 ± 10.34 24.13 ± 6.33 0.000

Group II
Count (mill/ml) 15.67 ± 15.15 32.63 ± 21.18 0.000
Total motility (%) 39.65 ± 22.34 60.30 ± 11.29 0.000
FF motility (%) 18.09 ± 9.87 27.00 ± 6.13 0.000

Group III
Count (mill/ml) 18.00 ± 15.32 19.41 ± 16.66 0.486
Total motility (%) 38.04 ± 20.13 33.39 ± 14.77 0.296
FF motility (%) 19.04 ± 9.30 19.48 ± 10.08 0.894

Student’s t test.