Table 1: Study Protocol

Week Procedure* Antihypertensive Treatment
Base-line visit -2 Physical examination Previous medication stopped, placebo initiated
First visit 0 Office BP measurement 8mg candesartan started
Second visit 6 Office BP measurement If diastolic pressure >80 dose increasing regimen* adopted
Third visit 12 Office BP measurement If diastolic pressure >80 dose increasing regimen** adopted
Fourth visit 18 Office BP measurement If diastolic pressure >80 dose increasing regimen** adopted
Final visit 24 Office BP measurement Ordinary antihypertensive treatment started

* 24h ambulatory BP measurement; home blood pressure measurement (HBPM); SF questionnaire filled before each visit
** = Candesartan dose doubled to 16 mg od then add-on hydrochlorothiazide (12.5mg or 25mg) and thereafter felodipine 5 mg od.
The patient was randomized at the first visit either to treatment according to HBPM or 24h ambulatory measurement.