Table 1: Mean and std deviation of different groups and samplings of the investigation.

Group Mean Std. Deviation N
CFU ***
Pre-op. sampling
Control ° 43222.00 10297.423 5
P. Saline ° 42916.00 13494.894 10
NaOCl + EDTA ° 41216.00 10199.904 10
Total 42297.20 11216.236 25
CFU ***
Post-op. sampling
Taper 4%
Control * 36976.00 8355.048 5
P. Saline * 2455.00 1468.357 10
NaOCl+ EDTA * 512.00 268.361 10
Total 8582.00 14940.196 25
CFU ***
Post-op. sampling
Taper 8%
Control ** 30330.00 7619.403 5
P. Saline ** 379.00 170.909 10
NaOCl + EDTA ** 67.00 24.967 10
Total 6244.40 12679.876 25

° p>0.05, *p<0.001, ** p<0.001, *** p<0.01, † p<0.05.