Table 1: Basic characteristics of the participants.

Total Men Women p-value
%(n) %(n) %(n)
Women 71.6 (232)
Men 28.4 (92)
Mean 60.0 58.8 (SD 11.12) 61.3 (SD 10.26) 0.001^
Primary School 13.4 (42) 7.9 (7) 15.6 (35) 0.252*
Secondary School 27.4 (86) 32.6 (29) 25.3 (57)
High School 15.6 (49) 13.5 (12) 16.4 (37)
University, lower grade 22.0 (69) 25.8 (23) 20.4 (46)
University, higher grade 21.7 (68) 20.2 (18) 22.2 (50)
Yes 59.0 (128) 71.0 (49) 53.4 (79) 0.014*
No 41.0 (89) 29.0 (20) 46.6 (69)
Self-reported current health 0.203*
Very good 9.7 (31) 15.4 (14) 7.5 (17)
Good 25.4 (81) 26.4 (24) 25.0 (57)
Neither good nor poor 27.3 (87) 23.1 (21) 28.9 (66)
Poor 28.5 (91) 28.6 (26) 28.5 (65)
Very poor 9.1 (29) 6.6 (6) 10.1 (23)
Changes in health after amalgam removal 0.024*
Worsening of health 8.4 (26) 7.8 (7) 8.6 (19)
Unchanged health 9.4 (29) 4.4 (4) 11.4 (25)
Improved health 75.2 (233) 85.6 (77) 70.9 (156)
Don't know 7.1 (22) 2.2 (2) 9.1 (20)

^One-way ANOVA test. *Pearson Chi-Square test