Table 1: Analysis tests of between subjects effects for implants (A, C) and impression material.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 3565,240a 3 1188,413 4,439 ,019
Intercept 14724,356 1 14724,356 55,005 ,000
impr_mater 3025,800 1 3025,800 11,303 ,004
implant 341,689 1 341,689 1,276 ,275
impr_mater * implant 197,751 1 197,751 ,739 ,403
Error 4283,072 16 267,692 - -
Total 22572,667 20 - - -
Corrected Total 7848,311 19 - - -

a. R Squared =, 454 (Adjusted R Squared =, 352) Dependent Variable: gmean