Table 5: Comparisons a posteriori between the groups by diagnosed condition.

Group n MR Group n MR ā”‚Dā”‚ [98.3%CI] Z r
GPS 256 212.54 Ging 100 244 31.46 [11.19, 51.73] 3.72*** 0.20
GPS 256 212.54 Periodo. 149 328.56 116.02 [98.31, 133.73] 15.68*** 0.78
Ging 100 244 Periodo. 149 328.56 84.56 [62.34, 106.78] 9.11*** 0.58

Groups by clinical condition: GPS = General Population Sample (without diagnosis). Ging. = dental clinic sample with gingivitis, Period. = Dental Clinic Sample with a diagnosis of periodontitis. MR = Mean Range, D = Difference of ranks with a confidence interval of 95%, Z = test statistic, two-tailed p-value for Z-test *** p < 0.001, r = effect size calculated by transforming the Z-value to a linear correlation coefficient r = Z/N1/2.