Table 2: Characteristics of randomized controlled trial included in review.

Subjects Type of PD Amendment Outcomes
Quirynen et al. (1995)
10 SCP Initial Protocol
(FMS + CHX 2wks)
For deep pockets : more reduction of PPD in T group / C group (p < 0.05).
Bollen et al. (1998)
16 SCP FMS with CHX 2mths better results than in initial FMD protocol.
Quirynen et al. (2000)
36 SCP FMD without CHX
FMS alone > QRSP: more reduction of PPD and CAL gain (p<0.001; p <0.001).
Apatzidou et al. (2004)
40 SCP FMD without CHX Both therapies (FMS alone and QRSP) improved clinical indices.
Quirynen et al. (2006)
71 MCP FMD with AF Less reduction of PPD with AF alone
( FMS + AF < FMS + CHX or / FMS + CHX +AF p<0.05) .
Wang et al. (2006)
36 CP FMD with PId
Less reduction of Pg and Aa with Id versus Water or QRSP (p<0.005;P<0.005).
Gomi et al. (2007)
34 SCP FMD + AZT alone
Significant improvement of clinical parameters with AZT (PPD, BOP, GCF) (P<0.001).
Cavalca al. (2009)
50 MCP FMD with EO Efficacy of EO to reduce PPD, PI and BOP.
Cortelli et al. (2009)
50 MCP FMD with EO At 2 and 6 months, no significance difference between EO and placebo regarding microbiology parameters.
Yashima et al. (2009)
30 CP FMD + AZT alone Significant improvement of clinical parameters with AZT (P<0.01; P<0.05).
Cionca et al. (2009)
47 CP FMD + Amox & MTZ
At 6 months, less sites with PDP > 4 mm with Amox +MTZ versus placebo.

Swierkot et al. (2009)
25 CP FMD without CHX At 1 and 2 months, more reduction of PPD, BOP in FMD with or without CHX versus QRSP alone.
Cionca et al. (2010)
51 CP FMD + Amox & MTZ Significant reduction of Pg (P = 0,013) and Tf (P = 0,007) with FMD combined to Amox&MTZ compared to placebo or FMD alone.
Sigusch et al. (2010)
24 CP FMD with PTD Better improvements of PPD and CAL gain with FMD combined to PTD versus FMD alone.

Varela et al. (2011)
25 AP FMD + Amox & MTZ Better clinical improvements (PPD, CAL) on sites with PDi <5mm (p <0.03) using FMD combined to Amox&MTZ versus FMD alone.
Aimetti et al. (2012)
39 AP FMD + Amox & MTZ Up to 6 months, better reduction of Aa + red complexes in site with PDi > 5 mm using FMD combined to Amox&MTZ versus FMD alone .
Preus et al. (2013)
184 MCP & SCP FMD + MTZ alone Up to 12 months in groups with MTZ, sites with PDi > 5 mm obtained better PPD reduction + better CAL gain.
Santos et al. (2013)
38 CP FMD without CHX Up to 12 months similar clinical improvement with or without CHX.
Teughels et al. (2013)
30 CP FMD + PRB12 wks Reduction in surgical treatment need with PRB.
Keestra et al. (2014)
24 CP FMD + periodontal dressing Reduction of postoperative pain with adjunction of periodontal dressing .
Fonseca et al. (2015)
85 CP FMD + AZT Addition of AZT did not provide additional clinical benefit compared to the FMD technique alone.

+: associated to; &: and ; Amox :Amoxicillin ; AZT :Azithromycin; AF:Amine Fluoride; AP :Agressive Periodontitis; BOP, Bleeding On Probing ; CAL, Clinical Attachment Level; CHX:Chlorhexidine; CHX 2months : Chlorhexidine during 2 months; CHX 2wks : Chlorhexidine during 2 weeks ; CP : Chronic Periodontitis ; EO :Essential Oils ; FMD : Full Mouth Disinfection ; FMS : Full Mouth Scaling; GCF :Gingival Crevicular Fluid. H2O: water; MCP: Moderate Chronic Periodontitis; MTZ: Metronidazole; PD:Periodontitis ; PDi : Initial Probing Depth; Pg :Porphyrhomonas Gingivalis ; PId Povidone Iodine PI, Plaque Index; PPD, Probing Pocket Depth; PRB12 wks :Probiotics During 12 weeks;PTD:Photodynamic Therapy; QSRP:Conventional Treatment by Quadrant ;RCT: Randomized Control Trial ;SCP:Severe Chronic Periodontitis