Table 2: Modified USPHS criteria for the clinical evaluations of restorations.

Category Score Criteria
Acceptable Unacceptable
Anatomical form A Restoration's contour is continuous with tooth anatomy
B Restoration is slightly over or under contoured; minor chipping or occlusal height slightly reduced
C Restoration is undercontoured; dentin or base exposed; contact is faulty
Marginal adaptation A Excellent continuity at resin-enamel interface; no ledge formation; no discoloration
B Slight discoloration at resin-enamel interface; ledge at interface
C Moderate discoloration at resin-enamel interface, cannot be polished away; obvious crevice at margin
D Recurrent decay at margin
Secondary caries A No visible caries
B Caries contiguous with the margins of the restoration

A: alpha, B: bravo, C: charlie, D: delta