Table 1: Mean and standard deviation indicator of improvement, within six months.

Ave/SD First Month Second Month Third Month Fourth Month Fifth Month Sixth Month
Number of Lesions (0±0.97) 1.88 (0±0.54) 1.48 (0±0.38) 1.21 (0.4) 1.22 (0±0.28) 1.10 (0±0.033) 1.12
Pain Intensity (0±1.44) 8.17 (1±0.77) 6.63 (2±0.17) 6.71 (2±0.1) 6.59 (2±0.9) 6.42 (0±2.19) 6.24
Remission Duration (3±0.33) 9.57 (3±0.33) 6.88 (3±0.47) 7.91 (3±0.26) 7.65 (3±7.35) 7.12 (0±6.60) 6.60
Recurrent Intervals (14±0.35) 18.39 (12±0.23) 22.4 (17±0.56) 26.3 (15±0.6) 23.81 (19±0.55) 28.0 (19±0.01) 30.06

SD: Standard Deviation; Ave: Average.