Table 1: Results of Kappa statistic (P-value) for assessing the intra and inter observer agreements.

System Intra-Observer Agreement for the First Observer Intra-Observer Agreement for the Second Observer Inter-Observer Agreement
Soredex FOV: 4×6cm2 1.000 (<0.001) 1.000 (<0.001) 1.000 (<0.001)
Soredex FOV: 6×8cm2 0.926 (<0.001) 0.920 (<0.001) 1.000 (<0.001)
Planmeca FOV: 8×8cm2 0.970 (<0.001) 0.968 (<0.001) 0.969 (<0.001)
NewTom FOV: 5×5cm2 0.800 (<0.001) 1.000 (<0.001) 0.804 (<0.001)
NewTom FOV: 8×5cm2 0.961 (<0.001) 0.959 (<0.001) 0.963 (<0.001)
NewTom FOV: 8×8cm2 1.000 (<0.001) 0.898 (<0.001) 0.866(<0.001)