Fig. (3) Clinical aspects after removal of amalgam restorations. A) Following three months, buccal mucosa: there was a reduction of the erythroplasia area and persistence of the leucoplast plaque associated with element 15, which presented failure of the temporary restoration. B) Following six months: Detail of the lateral margin of the tongue, disappearance of ulcerated and erythematous area; Observation of residual leucoplast area in the buccal mucosa, and retro commissural region. C) Detail of the residual erythematous area. D) Following six months, there was an improvement in the leuco-erythroblastic appearance. However, development of more intense leucoplast striations around element 48 and development of an erythematous area adjacent to the leucoplast plaque in the retro commissural region, with ulceration in the center were observed. E) Following nine months: Remission of desquamative gingivitis was observed. F) Persistence of more concentrated leucoplast reticular lesions in the retro commissural region.