Table 2: Med calculator Analysis Results.

Variable for Studies Authors Name & Date
Variable for Total Number of Cases Total Implants
Variable for Number of Positive Cases Number of Failures
Study Sample size Proportion (%) 95% Confidence Interval Weight (%)
Fixed Random
Reichart 2006 10 0.000 0.000 to 30.850 7.69 13.96
Hernandez 2012 56 0.000 0.000 to 6.375 39.86 16.00
Eposito 2003 4 0.000 0.000 to 60.236 3.50 11.74
Gallego 2008 2 100.000 15.811 to 100.000 2.10 9.82
Czerninski 2006 3 100.000 29.240 to 100.000 2.80 10.94
Czerninski 2013 54 0.000 0.000 to 6.603 38.46 15.98
Esposito 2000 2 100.000 15.811 to 100.000 2.10 9.82
Oczakir 2005 4 0.000 0.000 to 60.236 3.50 11.74
Total (fixed effects) 135 2.865 0.802 to 7.102 100.00 100.00
Total (random effects) 135 22.029 4.376 to 48.097 100.00 100.00