Table 4: The irradiance and energy values for the damaged LCUs before and after replacing their damaged tip to new tips.

LCU Condition Actual Curing Time Mean Irradiance (mW/cm2) Total Energy (J/cm2) Irradiance Difference (mW/cm2) Energy Difference (J/cm2) Difference %
Mini LED Damaged 9.96s 1025 10.21 753 7.61 73.4
New 10.02s 1778 17.82
LED.B #1 Damaged 20.15s 962 19.38 91 1.9 9.4
New 20.21s 1053 21.28
LED.B #2 Damaged 24.59s 455 11.18 140 3.5 30.7
New 24.66s 595 14.68
Bluephase N Damaged 20.09s 1054 21.17 408 8.2 38.7
New 20.09s 1462 29.37