Table 3: Determination of subjective maxillary sinus lift post-surgical expectations using a VAS, in which 0 indicated “total acceptance or no inconvenience” and 10 indicated “total refusal or unpleasant or painful feeling”.

Average VAS Scale for each Question
Lateral Approach
Average VAS Scale for each Question
Crestal Approach
Questionnaire for each Symptom Score from 0 to 10 -
4.8 3.1 Pain 1
4.5 2.1 Swelling 2
3 1.5 Bruising 3
Negligible (0) Negligible (0) Nasal bleeding 4
2.5 3 Drowsiness 5
2.5 3 Nausea 6
2 (highest level on 1st day) 2 (highest level on 1st day) Difficulty with mouth opening 7
4 (highest level on 1st to 3rd days) 3 (highest level on 1st to 3rd days) Inability to eat and enjoy food 8
4 (highest level on 1st to 3rd days) 3 (highest level on 1st to 3rd days) Inability to participate in routine daily activity 9
2 2 Sleeping difficulties 10
3 (sick leave for 3 days) 3 (sick leave for 3 days) Returning to work 11
3 5.5. immediately after surgery, lasted a maximum of 30 min. Dizziness (vertigo) 12
Negligible (0) Negligible (0) Difficulty in nasal airflow at the sinus lift area 13
Negligible (0) Negligible (0) Breathing, swallowing, and speech difficulties 14
Average = 3.2 Average = 2.92 - -
SD = 0.9751 SD = 1.050 P-value = 2.22 -