Table 1: Injuries, treatment time and remission time.

Patients (age) Lesions in Labial Mucosa Lesions in Tongue Treatment Duration of Treatment (days) Remission of Injuries
1 (4 years) * *** Chlorhexidine 0,12+BHA 21 18
2 (6 years) ** * Chlorhexidine 0,12+BHA 12 10
3 (11 years) 0 *** Chlorhexidine 0,12+BHA 21 16
4 (5 years) * ** Chlorhexidine 0,12+BHA 21 18
5 (11 years) *** *** Chlorhexidine 0,12+BHA 34 29
6 (5 years) * ** Chlorhexidine 0,12+BHA 21 16
7 (12 years) *** ** Chlorhexidine 0,12+BHA 28 26

0 No injuries. * Injuries scarce. ** Moderate injuries. *** Abundant injuries.