Table 2: Frequency distribution of children’s and parents’ outcome variables by intervention arms at baseline (n=237).

Variable Categories Intervention %(n) Control %(n) P-value
Children’s oral hygiene No Plaque 41.2 (47) 38.2 (47) 0.366
Plaque 58.8 (67) 61.8 (76) -
Children’s gingival health Healthy gingiva 69.3 (79) 59.3 (73) 0.072
Bleeding 30.7 (35) 40.7 (50) -
Children’s tooth brushing skills Skilled 14.0 (16) 3.3 (4) 0.003
Unskilled 86.0 (98) 96.7 (119) -
Parents' awareness on children’s tooth
brushing supervision
Aware 80.7 (92) 79.7 (98) 0.487
Not aware 19.3 (22) 20.3 (25) -
Parents' supervision of children’s tooth brushing Supervise 54.4 (62) 52.8 (65) 0.457
Do not supervise 45.6 (52) 47.2 (58) -