Table 1: Data of phytochemical analysis of the extracts of Buah Merah.

No. Secondary metabolites Reagent Samples fraction
H2O n-Hexane EtOAc MeOH
1 Phenolic FeCl3 5% + - + -
2 Flavonoid a. HCl (p.a)+ Mg + - + +
b. H2SO4 2N + - + +
c. NaOH 10% + - + +
3 Steroid Lieberman Burchard + + + +
4 Triterpenoid Lieberman-Burchard + + + -
5 Saponin HCl + H2O + - - -
6 Tanin FeCl3 1% + - + -
7 Alkaloid a. Dragendroff + - + +
b. Wagnerr + - - -