Table 1: Distribution of participants based on its demographical and clinical characteristics.

Variable Categories and Number of participants
Sex Male Female
33 participants 69 participants
Age 18 – 30 year old 31 – 45 year old
65 participants 37 participants
Type of orofacial pain condition* TN AO MPMM AIPP PPA POMT TMD PP
9 8 10 26 15 10 12 12
NRS** score           4 to 7 >7
59 participants 43 participants
Mouth opening ≤35 mm      >35 mm
25 participants 77 participants

* TN: trigeminal neuralgia; AO: atypical odontalgia; MPMM: myofascial pain of the masticatory muscle; AIPP: acute irreversible pulpitis pain; PPA: pain due to periapical abscess; POMT: pain due to oral and maxillofacial trauma; TMD: pain due to TMD; PP: periodontal pain.
**NRS = Numeric Rating Scale for pain.