Table 4: Association between the possible intention to choose another profession and gender and level of study.

Variables Would you choose another profession if given a chance? Chi-square
Yes (n = 80) No (n = 178) X2 P-value
Gender Male 51 (63.8%) 53 (29.8%) 26.478 0.001**
Female 29 (36.3%) 125 (70.2%)
Level of study 3rd 16 (20.0%) 37 (20.8%) 4.727 0.316
4th 12 (15.0%) 33 (18.5%)
5th 21 (26.3%) 28 (15.7%)
6th 15 (18.8%) 32 (18.0%)
Dental Interns 16 (20.0%) 48 (27.0%)

(**) Highly significant P ≤0.001.