Table 4: Mean (Standard Error of the Mean) Sound, Initially Softened and Seven-Day Phase A Post Surface Microhardness (SMHs, SMHi and SMHp, Respectively) Results Obtained by Vickers Microhardness Indents (N=10). Within each Column, One-Way ANOVA was Performed and Followed by Tukey b-test Comparisons to Identify Statistical Differences (p<0.05), which are Indicated as 1<2. % SMHRp is Calculated using (SMHp – SMHi)/(SMHs - SMHi) x 100

Groups SMHs SMHi SMHp % SMHRp
SS 1 – 30 327.6 (3.9) 196.9 (8.8)2 179.5 (25.3)1 -13.9 (14.7)1
SS 1 – 120 327.8 (5.8) 146.6 (5.4)1 165.2 (19.2)1 10.3 (10.5)1
SS 2 – 30 326.4 (3.7) 176.8 (4.7)2 252.3 (3.9)2 50.6 (2.2)2
SS 2 – 120 323.0 (2.1) 145.7 (5.5)1 234.0 (5.6)2 50.0 (2.7)2