Table 2: Characteristics of Subjects

Total non-TRS TRS P-value
Number (%) 2203 (100.0) 1841 (83.6) 362 (16.4)
Women (%) 314 (14.3) 245 (13.3) 69 (19.1) 0.005a
Mean age (SD) 41.2 (9.6) 41.4 (9.8) 40.1 (8.7) 0.018b

TRS: TMD-related symptoms
a achi-square test
b t-test
The cut-off value of the total score for TRS screening (question items 1–4) was 8.5; participants with a score of ≥ 9.0 were assigned to the TRS group, while those scoring ≤ 8.0 were assigned to the non-TRS group.