Table 1: Mean and standard deviation of periodontal parameters and laboratory tests from healthy individuals (control group) and rheumatoid arthritis (test group) before (T1) and after periodontal treatment (T2).

Periodontal parameters and laboratory tests Groups T1 T2
PPD (mm) Control 2,1 (0,3) 1,9 (0,2)
Test 2,3 (0,4) 2,1 (0,3)
PI (%) Control 26,4 (7,1) 21,0 (2,7)
Test 34,4 (6,6) 29,4 (4,8)
BOP (%) Control 19,4 (3,2) 17,7 (3,0)
Test 23,4 (5,0) 20,2 (5,4)
  CRP Control 0,2 (0,1) 0,1 (0,0)
Test 4,1 (5,6) 3,2 (4,4)
  ESR Control 10,6 (2,7) 10,6 (3,0)
Test 34,0 (21,7) 30,0 (22,8)

PPD – periodontal probing depth, PI - plaque index, GI - gingival index, CRP – C-reactive protein, ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate, BOP - bleeding on probing