Table 3: Distribution of practitioner’s awareness of universally applied behavior management techniques by participants’ de-mographics and facility characteristics.

Aware of universally accepted
BMT % (n)
Not aware of universally accepted
BMT % (n)
Age Younger dentists 75.0 (42) 25.0 (14)
Older dentists 72.2 (13) 27.8 (5) 0.814
Sex Male 77.1 (37) 22.9 (11)
Female 66.7 (16) 33.3 (8) 0.344
Level of facility Dispensary 65.2 (15) 34.8 (8)
Hospital 78.4 (51) 21.6 (11) 0.228
Type of practice Private 66.7 (14) 33.3 (7)
Public 77.4 (41) 22.6 (12) 0.343