Table 4.: Erbium family of lasers vis a vis conventional methods of root modification.

S.No Variables Conventional methods
(Scaling and root planing (SRP)
+ citric acid/ EDTA/Tetracycline/Fibronectin/Emdogain)
Erbium family of Lasers
1. Calculus removal Yes Equivalent to SRP
2. Preservation of cementum No Yes
3. Removal of endotoxin Yes Yes
4. Smear layer removal Yes Yes
5. pH change on root surface Yes No
6. Thermal damage No Minimal
7. Stable fibrin clot formation Yes Yes
8 Cell attachment Yes Better than conventional methods
9. Cost Low High
10. Patient acceptability Acceptable Better than conventional methods

Erbium lasers are a suitable alternative to conventional methods for root modification.