Table 2: The characteristics of the groups of patients with PsA and psoriasis (PsO). The results are presented respectively as an average, standard deviation and median.

PsA Patients (n=44) PsO Patients (n=51) p
Age (in years) 40,72± 5,87;41,0 38,4±6,19;38 0,06
Sex (f/m) 16/28 23/28 0,39
Duration of psoriasis (in years) 15,3±10,3;14,5 13,1±8,3;12,0 0,42
Age of psoriasis recognition (in years) 25,3±10,7;26,0 24,7±10,1;22,0 0,77
Patients with severe psoriasis 21 (48%) 18 (35%) 0,09