Table 3: Lipid profile and glucose concentration in the group of patients with PsA and psoriasis (PsO). The results are presented respectively as an average, standard deviation and median.

PsA Patients PsO Patients p
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 214,05±47,2;194 185,4±39,06;186 0,006
TG (mg/dl) 155,8±50,4;154 134,3±84,2;106 0,019
HDL (mg/dl) 49,7±12,2;49 56,2±18,0;55 0,13
LDL (mg/dl) 135,3±42,6;126,4 110,7±37,1;108 0,14
Glc (mg/dl) 88,2±10,8;87 88,3±8,6;86 0,78