Table 2: Distribution of dermatological lesions among 75 children with atopic dermatitis according the age group.

Dermatological Lesions Topography < 2 years-old N= 22
Number (%)
≥ 2 years-old N= 53
Number (%)
Erythematous vesicular or oozing lesions Checks 13 (59.09) 4 (7.54)
Scalp 1 (4.54) -
Neck 1 (4.54) -
Folds - 2 (3.77)
Scaly erythematous plaques Large folds* 11 (50.00) 38 (71.69)
Trunk - 14 (26.41)
Diffuse - 4 (7.54)
Face - 4 (7.54)
Neck - 8 (15.09)
Thighs - 4 (7.54)
Other locations - 15 (28.30)
Pooly-demarcated erythematous papules Face 7 (31.81) 7 (13.20)
Trunk 7 (31.81) 3 (5.66)
Diffuse 4 (18.18) 2 (3.77)
Other locations - 4 (7.54)
Lichenified plaques Extensor side of limbs - 7 (13.20)
Large folds* - 1 (1.88)
Nummular patch Trunk - 5 (9.43)
Legs - 2 (3.37)
Follicular eczema Trunk - 4 (7.54)

*antecubital and popliteal fossae.