Fig. (1) Stacked bar plot representation of the activities measured with steroid substrates. Each bar represents a CYP enzyme, and each segment of a bar represents the contribution of one of the 16 steroid substrates to the total activity displayed by this enzyme. Specific total activities are scaled to unit length. Colour encoding is from the bottom to the top of each bar: medium purple, testosterone; brown, RU486 N-demethylase activity; pale yellow, RU486 hydroxylase activities; light cyan, 17-methyltestosterone; dark red, cortexolone; salmon, progesterone; blue, corticosterone; lavender, pregnenolone; indigo, 17-hydroxyprogesterone; magenta, DHEA; yellow, 21-hydroxyprogesterone; cyan, estrone; dark violet, nootkatone; maroon, cortisol; seagreen, cis-androsterone; medium blue, 19-norandrostenedione; dark cyan, trans-androsterone.