Table 1: Socio-Demographic Characteristics (N = 42)

Characteristics Frequency (%)
Male 18 (42.9 )
Female 24 ( 57.1)
Age in years
<25 1 (2.4)
25-29 15 (35.7)
30-34 7 (16.7)
35-39 11 (26.2)
>40 8 (19.0)
Mean ± SD 35.33±8.616
Year of graduation
< 5years 33 (78.6)
>5 years 9 (21.4)
Experience in years
<5 22 (52.4)
>5 20 (47.6)
Type of practicing
Sole proprietor 2 (4.8)
Partner proprietor 5 (11.9)
Manger 5 (11.9)
employee 30 (71.4)
Participation in CPD
1-5 hrs 10 (23.8)
6-10 hrs 14 (33.3)
>10 hrs 8 (19.0)
10 (23.8)
Familiarity with MADRAC
Yes 9 (21.4)
No 33 (78.6)
Come cross with ADRS/12 months
Yes 22 (52.4)
No 20 (47.6)
ADRs reporting /12months
Never report 28 (90.5)
> 1 report 20 (9.5)
Awareness of existence online reporting
Yes 10 (23.8)
No 32 (76.2)
Access to internet into working place
Yes 31 (73.8)
No 11 (26.2)