Table 1: Classification of sample characteristics in the full sample (N = 2637 ).

Item Variables Uninvolved Victim Bully/Victim Bully
Total 100% (2002) 100% (412) 100% (96) 100% (127)
Gender Female 51% (1024) 49% (203) 28% (27) 30% (38)
Male 49% (974) 51% (209) 72% (69) 70% (89)
Age 13 (12; 14) 13 (11; 14) 13 (12; 14) 13 (12; 14)
Parental age mother 29 (25; 32) 28 (25; 32) 28 (25; 32) 28 (25; 31)
Parental age father 31 (28; 35) 31 (27; 34) 31 (28; 35) 31 (28; 34)
Parental behavior 0 (-1; 1) -1 (-2; 0) -1 (-2; 0) 0 (-2; 1)
Internalizing symptoms 14 (0; 29) 57 (29; 71) 57 (29; 71) 29 (14; 57)
Communication ++ 56% (1128) 35% (146) 29% (28) 49% (62)
+ 9% (175) 9% (39) 7% (7) 7% (9)
- 35% (697) 55% (227) 63% (60) 44% (56)
Parental involvement ++ 48% (948) 25% (104) 22% (21) 43% (54)
+ 19% (381) 23% (92) 18% (17) 14% (18)
- 33% (665) 52% (212) 60% (58) 43% (54)
Parental support and onitoring ++ 72% (1443) 62% (255) 39% (37) 61% (77)
+ 20% (405) 25% (101) 38% (36) 24% (31)
- 8% (154) 14% (56) 24% (23) 15% (19)
Affective relationship ++ 55% (1091) 34% (142) 27% (26) 46% (58)
+ 13% (251) 13% (54) 19% (18) 13% (17)
- 33% (658) 52% (216) 54% (52) 41% (52)
Self-esteem 3 (2; 3) 3 (2; 3) 3 (2; 4) 2 (2; 3)
Family characteristics Living with both parents 84% (1682) 78% (322) 76% (73) 79% (100)
Family break-up 13% (252) 13% (54) 12% (12) 17% (22)
Family break-up without contact to one parent 3% (68) 9% (36) 11% (11) 4% (5)
Physical or mental illness of a parent Good 96% (1916) 89% (367) 92% (88) 95% (121)
Bad 4% (86) 11% (45) 8% (8) 5% (6)
Death of a parent No 97% (1946) 97% (401) 93% (89) 98% (124)
Yes 2% (50) 2% (10) 5% (5) 2% (3)
NA 0% (6) 0% (1) 2% (2) 0% (0)
Number of rooms of the flat >4 29% (585) 32% (132) 32% (31) 28% (35)
4 19% (373) 20% (81) 19% (18) 19% (24)
5 18% (355) 15% (63) 17% (16) 17% (21)
6 11% (215) 11% (45) 15% (14) 10% (13)
<6 21% (430) 21% (87) 15% (14) 22% (28)
NA 2% (44) 1% (4) 3% (3) 5% (6)
Siblings none 8% (164) 11% (45) 5% (5) 5% (6)
one 47% (943) 45% (186) 49% (47) 50% (63)
two 29% (571) 25% (104) 27% (26) 30% (38)
more 14% (282) 16% (65) 15% (14) 15% (19)
NA 2% (42) 3% (12) 4% (4) 1% (1)
Occupation mother Blue-collar 82% (1447) 82% (290) 83% (62) 88% (98)
none 1% (23) 2% (8) 4% (3) 0% (0)
White-collar 16% (279) 16% (56) 13% (10) 12% (13)
Retired 0% (7) 0% (1) 0% (0) 1% (1)
Occupation father Blue-collar 76% (1243) 79% (260) 79% (58) 71% (72)
none 2% (33) 1% (4) 3% (2) 2% (2)
White-collar 21% (335) 19% (62) 15% (11) 25% (26)
Retired 1% (16) 2% (5) 3% (2) 2% (2)

Parental age: age at birth; parental behavior: sum index [-2 to +2]; statistic: percent (number of subjects), median (upper quantile, lower quantile)