Table 3: The most important categories stated by the interviewees with regard to the content.

The Categories with Regard to the Content The Interviewee No.
Considering the cultural challenges of content development in multilingual and bilingual areas. 1, 6, 9
The participation of families in content development to promote children's ethical and social development. 4, 7, 10, 13
- Developing a family guide to teach social and ethical values.
- Developing the content according to the skill gaps of parents and educators.
- Developing the content according to the periodic needs of children such as media literacy, etc.
1, 3, 7, 9, 11
- Changing the course “Life skills” with parental guidance and counseling.
- Changing the skill and knowledge content for teachers and parents of children with special needs.
- Educational programs for supporting children with special needs.
5, 10