Table 5: The most important categories stated by the interviewees with regard to the evaluation.

The Categories with Regard to the Evaluation The Interviewee No.
- The participation of the family in the evaluation of learners.
- The participation of the family in the evaluation of teachers.
- The participation of the family in the evaluation of principals.
- The participation of the family in the evaluation of curricula.
- The participation of the family in the evaluation of educational extracurriculars.
3, 13
- The role of the family in forming the negative and positive competition in the learners.
- The role of the family in forming the negative and positive competition in the school staff.
4, 9, 11
- Providing the appropriate grounds for the learners' self-assessment.
- Teaching self-assessment and self-regulation skills to parents.
2, 6, 9, 14
- The participation of the family in descriptive evaluation. 4, 7