Table 9: The most important categories stated by the interviewees with regard to the implications.

The Categories with Regard to the Implications The Interviewee No.
The reduction of conflicts between the family and the school. 3, 8, 13
The reduction of the school pressure on the family by taking the family’s views into account. 7, 12
The family’s consideration of the attitude and interest of the student with regard to his/her education. 1, 4, 9
The social-intellectual and emotional maturity of the students. 2, 6, 10
The cultivation of critical thinking and creativity in the learners. 2, 4, 7, 11, 13
The improvement of the students' physical and mental health. 5, 9
- The unveiling of the hidden curricula and the consideration of them in the formal curricula.
- The restoration of indirect or implicit educations in the curricula.
4, 9, 11