Table 1: Demographic characteristics of included and excluded mothers.

Included mothers
(N = 232-242)
Mean (SD)
Excluded mothers
(N = 1144-1211)
Mean (SD)
t p
Age (years) 30.19 (4.66) 29.70 (5.13) 1.35 n.s.
Number of children 0.68 (0.83) 0.75 (0.90) -1.06 n.s.
Partner’s age (years) 32.3 (6.0) 31.9 (5.9) 0.72 n.s.
N N χ2 p
Pregnancy complications, and past disease history (yes: no) 111: 122 519: 692 1.82 n.s.
Delivery complications (yes: no) 68: 164 254: 890 5.44 0.02
Marriage history (married: unmarried: single) 236: 0: 4 374: 2: 5 1.09 n.s.
Child gender (boy: girl: twin or more) 116: 112: 4 578: 543: 11 1.29 n.s.

n.s.: p value is not significant (p > 0.05)