Table 2: Summary of RADQ items.

1. Acts overly cute & charming 16. Tries for sympathy by claiming abuse
2, Trouble making eye contact 17. Shakes off pain, refusing comfort
3, Overly friendly with strangers 18. Sneaks things without permission
4. Pushes away or becomes stiff when hugged 19. Pathological liar
5. Argues for long periods 20. Very bossy with other children
6. Tremendous need for control 21. Sneaks food
7. Acts amazingly innocent when caught 22. Can’t keep friends
8. Does dangerous things 23. Throws temper tantrums
9.Deliberately breaks things 24. Non-stop chatter
10. Does not appear to feel age-appropriate guilt 25. Accident prone
11. Teases, hurts or cruel to other children 26. Hurts animals
12. Impulsive 27. Under achieves in school
13 Steals/ shows up with things that do not belong to them 28. Sets fires
14. Demands instead of asking 29. Prefers violent shows
15. Does not seem to learn from misbehavior 30.Early childhood trauma