Table 1: Intensity of the characteristic aroma of guava and mango in the different aqueous fractions resulting from the juice concentration process.

Assay Vacuum
Temperature (°C) Fractions Collection Interval (min) Aroma Intensity
Aroma Intensity
1 650 50 1 15 6.52a 5.93a
2 30 5.22a 3.79a,b
3 45 3.14b 2.97b
2 650 55 1 15 6.01a 6.69a
2 30 5.52a 4.03b
3 45 2.48b 0.97c
3 650 65 1 15 6.50a 6.78a
2 30 5.45a 3.86b
3 45 2.90b 2.00c
4 680 45 1 20 6.02a 5.48a
2 40 2.53b 3.58a,b
3 60 1.83bc 2.36b
5 680 50 1 15 5.87a 7.01a
2 30 4.49a 1.54b
3 45 1.76b 0.84b
6 680 55 1 15 5.84a 6.74a
2 30 3.20b 1.92b
3 45 1.12c 0.82b
7 680 65 1 10 5.26a 7.50a
2 20 3.69ab 3.81b
3 30 1.84b 1.44b

*Tukey mean with different letters in the same column differed significantly at the p ≤ 0.05 level for the same assay.