Table 1: Variables and Parameters of the Model

Variable/Parameter Description
Sh (t) Number of susceptible humans
Eh (t) Number of exposed or latently infected humans
Ih (t) Number of infectious humans
Vh (t) Number of vigilant short-term human travelers
Sm (t) Number of susceptible mosquitoes
Em (t) Number of exposed mosquitoes
Im (t) Number of infectious mosquitoes
u1 (t) Personal protection using insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) or mosquito-repellent lotion
u2 (t) Chemo-prophylactic measure or liver-stage therapy for latently infected humans
u3 (t) Chemotherapy or treatment of infectious humans
u4 (t) Mosquito-reduction effort using indoor residual spray (IRS)
Λh Recruitment rate of humans
τ Fraction of recruitment rate of humans who are short-term travelers
Λm Recruitment rate of mosquitoes
b Mosquito biting rate
βh Transmission probability per contact of susceptible humans with infectious mosquitoes
βm Transmission probability per contact of susceptible mosquitoes with infectious humans
µh Natural per capita death rate of humans
µm Natural per capita death rate of mosquitoes
αh Per capita progression rate of exposed humans
αm Per capita progression rate of exposed mosquitoes
γ Recovery rate constant of control
r Rate constant of control