Table 1: Parameters of the mosquito-malaria model.

Description Parameters/Functional Form Ref.
Number of eggs, n(Ta) -0.061411T3a + 38.93T2a - 801.27Ta + 5391.4 [1]
Egg development rate, ρe(Tw) 0.012T3w - 0.81T2w + 18Tw - 135.93 [1]
Larva development rate, ρL(Tw) -0.002T3w + 0.14T2w - 3Tw + 22 [1]
Pupa development rate, ρp(Tw) -0.0018T3w + 0.12T2w - 2.7Tw + 20 [1]
Egg mortality rate, μe(Tw) 0.0033T3w - 0.23T2w - 5.3Tw - 40 [1]
Larva mortality rate, μL(Tw 0.00081T3w - 0.056T2w + 1.3Tw - 8.6 [1]
Pupa mortality rate, μp(Tw 0.0034T3w - 0.22T2w - 4.9Tw - 34 [1]
Gonotrophic rate, ρAo(Ta) 0.00054T3a - 0.038T2a - 0.88Ta [1]
Mosquito biting rate, Є [37, 40]
Progression rate from Ev to Iv, μEv(Ta) [37, 43, 50]
Min. temp. for P. falciparum survival, Tmin 16C [15, 37, 43]
Proportion of insecticides, 0.5 Est.
Rate adult mosquito seeks blood meal, ρAh 0.46 [14, 30]
Rate adult mosquito seeks resting site, ρAr 0.43 [14, 30]
Probability of human getting infected, β1 0.533 Nominal
Probability of mosquito getting infected, β2 0.09 [6, 33, 39]
Natural death rate in human, μh 1/49.1/365 per day [28, 55], Est.
Human recruitment rate, Φh 51.67 per day [28, 55], Est.
Contact rate of mosquito per human, к 0.6 per day [13, 39]
Disease induced death rate, α 0.05 per day [33, 39]
Progression rate from Iv to Ev, ρIv 1/18 per day [6, 33, 39]
Recovered individuals’ loss of immunity, ρRh 1/730 per day [6, 33, 39]