Table 2: Comparison of demographics, main clinical presentation, comorbidities and outcome between H1N1 positive flu A patients and H1N1 negative patients.

H1N1 Negative
H1N1 Positive
P Value
n. % n. %
Sex Male 79 47.6 66 46.2 0.801
Female 87 52.4 77 53.8
Age Median in years
(25th P-75th P )
35.00 (27.00-53.25) 35.00 (30.00-52.00)
Main Symptoms Respiratory 156 94.0 127 88.8 0.139
GI 0 0.0 2 1.4
Both 10 6.0 14 9.8
Comorbidities Respiratory 18 10.8 26 18.2 0.066
Cardiac 10 6.0 12 8.4 0.420
DM 20 12.0 24 16.8 0.235
CRF 1 0.6 1 0.7 0.916
Pregnancy Negative 55 80.9 50 80.6 0.973
Positive 13 19.1 12 19.4
Prolonged Illness 8 4.8 33 23.1 <.001
Radiological finding 12 7.2 17 11.9 0.161
Admission Total 22 13.3 33 23.1 0.024
Medical 20 12.0 29 20.3 0.075
ICU 2 1.2 4 2.8
Death 0 0.0 1 0.7% 0.281
Length of stay LOS Median days
(25th P-75th P )
3.00 (2.00-6.50) 0.146