Fig. (3) Stimulation by Resiquimod of BAFF and APRIL expression in CLL cells. Leukemia cells from a CLL patient were incubated overnight in the presence of medium alone (Control, left part) or with Resiquimod 1 µM(right part). After washings, cells were labeled either with goat IgG (isotypic control, dotted lines) or polyclonal goat antibodies against BAFF and APRIL respectively (full lines), revealed with a FITC-conjugated affinipure F(ab’)2 fragment donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L) and analyzed by flow cytometry (Epics Altra). The histogrammes are presented and submitted to statistical analysis according to Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The resulting D values that roughly represent the percentages of positive cells are indicated. The differences in the D values between control and Resiquimod-treated cells are highly significant for the two markers (p ; 0.00001). Results are from one patient representative of four that gave comparable results.